It was fantastic to see such strong interest in this topic! The session was packed with questions, answers, and engaging back-and-forth discussions.
We started with a brief introduction to PARC Concepts, sharing who we are, along with our core values and mission, before diving right into the three major considerations for designing pools on slopes:
1. Figuring Out Location and Size
Pool orientation and access
Retaining walls and water management
Types of pools and available sizes
2. Choosing Materials
Accessories and fencing
Pavers, coping, and decking options
Planting considerations: roots and leaves
3. Opportunity Cost
Case study on lifestyle benefits, resale value, and return on investment
Afterward, we answered questions from the audience, and a few pool owners even shared their own experiences during lunch.
To access the slides from the presentation, click here:
To watch the recording of the presentation here: